This is a place where I collect and archive recipes from all over the place. These recipes were picked because these are food that I love to eat. I copied the recipes from other sources and I have included the links to each source.

I have cooked some of these dishes and I would be happy to discuss my story with you. Feel free to email me at or check out my food blog

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Japanese Honey Spongecake

Honey Castella
Yield: One 7 inch square cake
  • 5 Egg Yolks (room temperature)
  • 4 Egg Whites (room temperature)
  • 125 g Gran­u­lated Sugar
  • 100 g Bread Flour (sifted)
  • 15 g Turbinado Sugar (optional)
  • 50 g Honey (diluted with 2–3 tbsp. hot water)
  1. Pre­pare pan: line insides and bot­tom of pan with foil and add a piece of parch­ment paper onto the bot­tom, sprin­kle with turbinado sugar.
  2. Pre­heat oven to about 325 F / 160 C.
  3. Place egg whites in mix­ing bowl and mix with a mixer on high speed for about 30 sec­onds and start adding sugar in 2 — 3 times. Beat until firm peaks are formed.
  4. Add yolks one by one and mix on low speed until well combined.
  5. Add sifted bread flour and mix on low speed until just combined.
  6. Add honey and hot water mix­ture and mix on low speed until mixed.
  7. Pour bat­ter through a sieve into cake pan, use a spat­ula or whisk to help the thick bat­ter go through the sieve.
  8. Tap pan on the counter to remove any large bub­bles in the batter.
  9. Bake in pre­heated oven for about 60 min­utes or until golden brown on top — check with a skewer to see if cake is ready.
  10. If ready, take out of oven (with oven mitts) and drop the pan on the counter from about a foot in height to pre­vent shrinkage.
  11. Cool cake. Revert cake onto a piece of parch­ment paper and plas­tic wrap, remove foil and wrap in plas­tic wrap until ready to serve (at least overnight) to pre­serve mois­ture in cake (leave upside down).
  12. Cut off edges and slice to serve!
YUM! I love this cake because it is so sim­ple, light and deli­cious. So moist, del­i­cate and rich in honey and egg flavour — per­fect with a cup of Japan­ese tea! The turbinado sugar is optional but it almost becomes a syrup on the bot­tom of the cake for even more mois­ture. This cake is best enjoyed the day after so it becomes more moist — kind of like rest­ing a freshly cooked piece of meat.

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