This is a place where I collect and archive recipes from all over the place. These recipes were picked because these are food that I love to eat. I copied the recipes from other sources and I have included the links to each source.

I have cooked some of these dishes and I would be happy to discuss my story with you. Feel free to email me at or check out my food blog

Monday, March 26, 2012


Subject: Re: kaya recipe
Ingredients for kaya

10 whole eggs
Sugar 500gms ( castor/ fine grain)
A tin of coconut cream ( 480 gms) - Thai brand
5 pcs of pandanus leaves( may use frozen ones)

Prepare a pot of boiling water 3/4 full.
Whisk eggs together with sugar in a wok for about 5 mins.
Pour the can of coconut milk into a stainless steel container n warm  it in the boiling water for a few mins. Then leave aside.
Put the wok over the pot of boiling water making sure the wok is at least 2 inches above  the boiling water. Continue to stir the sugar n eggs mixture.
Once the sugar is melted, slowly pour in the warmed coconut milk n continue to stir until it thickens. Once the kaya sticks to the spoon it is done. About 30 mins.

If you want the kaya to look more brown. Take 2 tablespoonful of sugar and melt it in a a small
pot till it becomes caramel. Pour this caramel into the kaya n stir till it is well combined.
   Make sure the melted sugar is still in liquid form before you pour into the kaya.

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